Unique Word Extractor

6 elements
3 elements

How to Use the Unique Word Extractor Tool

Step 1 : Paste or type the text you want to remove duplicate words from in the input box. At top right of the input box, you can see the total elements.

Step 2 : Specify the separator used in the text. It supports regex such as \s for space, \n for newline, \t for tab, etc.

Step 3 : Toggle between case sensitive and case insensitive mode. In case sensitive mode, the tool will treat words like Hello and hello as different words. In case insensitive mode, the tool will treat words like Hello and hello as the same word. But in case of case insensitive mode, you will lose the original case of the word.

Step 4 : Click on the Remove Duplicate button to remove duplicate words from the text. You will see the text with duplicate words removed in the output box.


What is Unique Word Extractor?

Unique Word Extractor is a tool that removes duplicate words from text. It is useful when you have a list of words and you want to remove duplicate words from it.

Dose this tool support regex as separator ?

Yes, this tool supports regex as separator. You can use \s for space, \n for newline, \t for tab, etc.

In case of case insensitive mode, dose this tool will lost orignal case ?

Yes, in case of case insensitive mode, this tool will lost the original case of the word. all words will be converted to lowercase.

How I track number of elements/item present in my text ?

You can see the total number of elements/items present in your text at top right of the input box for both input and output text.