Text Repeater
Repeat text multiple times and copy the repeated text to your clipboard to use anywhere like project or chat
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Text Repeater
Repeat text multiple times and copy the repeated text to your clipboard to use anywhere like project or chat
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Unique Word Extractor
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Step 1 : Paste or type the text you want to convert in the input box. Feel free to paste any case, for example if you paste "helloWorld" (a camel case text) and you want to convert into kebab case then it will convert into "hello-world".
Step 2 : Select the text case you want to convert the text to from the dropdown.
Step 3 : Click on the Convert button. You will see the converted text in the output box.
Each text case has its own use case. it's depend on context such as programming, content writting, data wrangling. Here are some examples of when to use each text case:
General text processing, search engines, normalization of text, Example "hello world". When you want to compare two text strings, it is better to convert both strings to lowercase before comparing them.
Acronyms, emphasis, shouting in text, normalization, Example "HELLO WORLD". Constant names in programming languages are usually written in uppercase.
Variable and function names in programming, especially in JavaScript and Java, Example "helloWorld". As name suggests, camel case is named after the humps of a camel. The first letter of the first word is lowercase, and the first letter of each subsequent word is capitalized.
Variable names in programming, especially in Python and configuration files, Example "hello_world". By adding underscores between words, snake case makes the variable name more readable. And also underscores is part of word family, meaning that "hello_world" is single word.
Class names in programming, especially in languages like C# and Delphi, Example "HelloWorld". Pascal case is similar to camel case, but the first letter of the first word is capitalized. Pascal and camel case are often used interchangeably.
Titles of books, articles, and headings, Example "Hello World". Each next word in the title case is capitalized, which makes the text more shout and readable.
Regular sentences in written text, formatting paragraphs, Example "Hello world". Sentence case is similar to title case, but the first letter of the first word is capitalized. By using first letter capitalization, it's easy to identify the start of a new sentence.
Configuration files, filenames, namespaces in some programming environments, Example "hello.world". Dot case is similar to snake case, but it uses dots instead of underscores to separate words. Here dot used for identify the parent child relationship. for example 'window.open' here window is parent and open is child.
URLs, file paths, and some command-line arguments, Example "hello/world".
General writing, Example "hello world". Text case is similar to sentence case, but it does not capitalize the first letter of the first word. Normally when you don't want to confuse the user and want to keep simple text.
CSS class names, URLs, and command-line arguments, Example "hello-world". Kebab case is similar to snake case, but it uses hyphens instead of underscores to separate words. But hyphen is not acceptable in variable names in programming languages.
Text Case Convertor Tool is an online tool to convert text to different text cases like lowercase, uppercase, title case, sentence case, and more to another text case. For example from snake case (hello_world) to camel case (helloWorld) and vice versa.
This tool supports 12 text transformations like lowercase, uppercase, title case, sentence case, camel case, snake case, pascal case, dot case, path case, text case, header case, and kebab case.
No, this tool does not store any data. The text you enter in the input box is only used to convert the text to the selected text case.