Image to Base64

How to use Image to Base64 tool to convert images to Base64 strings?

Follow this simple steps to convert your images to Base64 strings:

Step 1: Upload the image you want to convert to Base64 string. And boom! You will see the Base64 string.

Step 2: You can now copy the Base64 string and use it wherever you want. Just hit "Copy" button to copy the Base64 string.

What is Base64 encoding?

Base64 is a group of binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format. Base64 encoding is commonly used to encode binary data, such as images, into text format.


Do I need to install any software to convert images to Base64?

No, you don't need to install any software to convert images to Base64 strings. You can use our online tool to convert images to Base64 strings.

What is the use of Base64 encoding?

Base64 encoding is used to encode binary data, such as images, into text format. It is commonly used to encode image data in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.

How to convert images to Base64 strings?

To convert images to Base64 strings, you can use our online tool to convert images to Base64 strings.

Does this tool store the images that I upload to convert to Base64 strings?

No, this tool does not store any data that you upload to convert to Base64 strings.