CSS Minifier
Minify your CSS code and make the file size smaller that helps to load your website faster.
A collection of free tools to make your life easier. 🫨
.glassmorphism {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
backdrop-filter: blur(4px) saturate(100%);
-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(4px) saturate(100%);
border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
<div className="backdrop-blur-[4px] backdrop-saturate-[100%] bg-[#ffffff] bg-opacity-10border border-opacity-20 border-[#ffffff]"></div>
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Glassmorphism is a design trend that makes the UI elements look like frosted glass. It is a combination of background blur and transparency to create a glass effect. The frosted glass effect is achieved by using background blur, transparency, and shadows.
Glassmorphism is a popular design trend that is used in various applications and websites. It gives a modern and sleek look to the UI elements. Glassmorphism is a great way to make your UI elements stand out and look more appealing.
CSS Glassmorphism Generator is a tool that allows you to create glassmorphism effect with CSS. You can customize the background blur, transparency, and shadow to create the glass effect that you want. You can also customize the colors and the size of the glass effect.
To use CSS Glassmorphism Generator, you need to follow these steps:
Step 1:Choose the background blur value. You can use the slider to adjust the background blur value.
Step 2:Choose the transparency value. You can use the slider to adjust the transparency value. Adjust opacity slider to change the opacity of the glass effect.
Step 3:You can change situration of the glass effect by changing the slider. Situration is the colorfulness of the glass effect.
Step 4:You can show or hide the border of the glass effect by toggling checkbox.
Step 5:You can change the color of the glass effect by changing the color picker.
To achieve glassmorphism effect with CSS, you can use the following CSS properties:
backdrop-filter property is used to apply a filter to the background of an element. You can use backdrop-filter property to create the frosted glass effect.
You can use background-color property to set the color of the glass effect.
You can use border-radius property to set the border radius of the glass effect.
You can use border property to set the border of the glass effect.
Here backdrop-filter
property is the key to create the glassmorphism effect. Other properties are used to customize the glass effect.
To achieve glassmorphism effect with Tailwind CSS, you can use the following classes:
backdrop-blur-3xl class is used to set the background blur value.
You can add custom value to backdrop-blur class to set the background blur value. like backdrop-blur-[10px]
bg-opacity-50 class is used to set the transparency value.
bg-white class is used to set the color of the glass effect. You can use bg-[color]
to set custom color. like bg-[#f00]
Yes, this tool generates Tailwind CSS classes as well as pure CSS code to create Glassmorphism effect.
This tools covers basic customization options like background blur, transparency, color, border and situration.